Issue - meetings

Meeting: 20/09/2024 - Cabinet (Item 51)

51 Cabinet Members' Items - Report of the Housing & Planning Portfolio Holder - A.5 - Consideration and Adoption of a Housing Domestic Abuse Policy, Neighbourhood Management Policy and Rent Setting and Collection Policy pdf icon PDF 113 KB

To present to Cabinet the following housing policies for approval and adoption:


? Domestic Abuse Policy;

? Neighbourhood Management Policy; and

?Rent Setting and Collection Policy.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that Cabinet –


(a)    approves and formally adopts the Housing Domestic Abuse Policy, the Neighbourhood Management Policy and the Rent Setting and Collection Policy;


(b)    authorises their direct and immediate implementation, subject to the call in process; and


(c)    authorises the Corporate Director (Operations and Delivery), in consultation with the Portfolio Holder responsible for Housing, to make future updates or amendments to these policies.



Cabinet considered a report of the Housing and Planning Portfolio Holder (A.5), which present to it the following housing policies for approval and adoption:-


Ø Domestic Abuse Policy;


Ø Neighbourhood Management Policy; and


Ø Rent Setting and Collection Policy.


It was reported that these policies formalised the work that was already undertaken in the Housing and Environmental directorate.


The Domestic Abuse Policy acknowledged the devastating impact that domestic abuse had on victims, their families and the wider community and that this could happen to anyone, in any type of relationship. The Policy set out how this Council would work to identify domestic abuse early and to provide support to victims which would help to prevent homelessness and improve the safety and wellbeing of residents.


The Neighbourhood Management Policy recognised that keeping neighbourhoods safe and clean was an important part of providing a better quality of life for residents and could act as a deterrent to anti-social behaviour, neighbour nuisance and crime. The policy set out how this Council would maintain neighbourhoods by working with residents and partner agencies to keep neighbourhoods safe and clean.


The Rent Setting and Collection Policy outlined the method of calculating fair and affordable Council Housing rents and recognised that it was in the interests of both the Council and tenants to ensure that rent was paid promptly. However, when debts did occur, this Council would consider individual needs and work with partners to offer appropriate support aimed to sustain tenancies and minimise rent arrears. The rent collected enabled the Council to maintain and improve its homes and to provide effective landlord services. 


Cabinet was informed that these policies complied with the Regulator of Social Housing’s revised Consumer Standards that had come into effect from 1 April 2024.


In order to ensure that the policies were appropriately adopted, in accordance with the Council’s Constitution and to evidence compliance with the regulatory standards:-


It was moved by Councillor Baker, seconded by Councillor Placeyand:-


RESOLVED that Cabinet –


(a)    approves and formally adopts the Housing Domestic Abuse Policy, the Neighbourhood Management Policy and the Rent Setting and Collection Policy;


(b)    authorises their direct and immediate implementation, subject to the call in process; and


(c)    authorises the Corporate Director (Operations and Delivery), in consultation with the Portfolio Holder responsible for Housing, to make future updates or amendments to these policies.