Issue - meetings

Meeting: 09/09/2024 - Premises / Personal Licences Sub-Committee (Item 25)

25 Report of the Assistant Director (Governance & Legal) - A.1 - Grant of a Premises Licence, Kings Local, 65-67 Kings Avenue, Holland on Sea, Essex, REF: 24/00399/PREMGR pdf icon PDF 182 KB

At the Sub-Committee’s meeting on Monday 2 September 2024, this item was adjourned to a future date as the applicant failed to attend. It was felt that it was in the public interest for this item to be heard with the applicant present.


To inform Members that an application has been received for the Grant of a premises licence under the Licensing Act 2003 from Mrs Selvabhavani Sujananth to sell/supply alcohol and that an objection notice of the licence has been received from an interested party.


Additional documents:


The Sub-Committee had before it an Officer report namely  item A.1 – Application for the Grant of a Premises Licence, Kings Local, 65-67 Kings Avenue, Holland-on-sea, Essex. Ref: 24/00399/PREMGR. This application  had been scheduled to be before the Sub-Committee on Monday 2 September 2024, but the applicant had failed to attend the Sub-Committee. The Chairman at that meeting had decided that it was within the public’s best interest to adjourn the item until this date, when the applicant  could be present.


 Members heard from the Council’s Licensing Manager. He explained that the application before the Sub-Committee was in relation to the premises located 65-67 Kings Avenue, Holland on Sea, to be known as “Kings Local”, application number 24/00399/PREMGR. He stated that the premises was to be used as a convenience store and that the applicant had said that the store was to be refitted to a new high standard.


Members also heard that the premises used to be a social club and  had been licensed for alcohol sales.


It was reported that the proposed licensable activities on this application were for the sale of alcohol, off the premises, every day between the hours of 06:00 and midnight. This was also the proposed opening times of the convenience store.


The Licensing Manager explained how the applicant had outlined steps in the application to promote the four licensing objectives. The report outlined ow representations could be made either in support of, or against, an application. In addition, all responsible authorities had been consulted , as was the standard procedure.


The Sub-Committee heard how one email of representation had been received from a member of the public, as well as one representation from Tendring District Council’s Planning Authority, as a Responsible Authority, in relation to the planning permission for this premises. Details of both representations  were contained within the published agenda pack.


Members were reminded that each application must be considered in its own right and on its own merit, and judged only on how it might impact on the four licensing objectives.





Was the Social Club a licensed premises and what were its hours of operation?

It was a licensed premises, and it operated from 10:00 through to 23:00 Monday to Sunday.

There are other similar businesses local to this one, what are their licensed hours for the sale of alcohol?

Tesco                            06:00 to 23:00

Co-op                            07:00 to 22:00

Morrisons                      06:00 to 23:00

Roaring Donkey Pub

    Mon to Thur & Sun   11:00 to 23:00

    Fri & Sat                   11:00 to 01:00



The Sub-Committee then heard from the Council’s Planning Enforcement Officer. He explained that the property did not have the correct planning permission for the use of the building to be a convenience store which required it to be classified as a class E and that currently it was classified a Social Club, which was designated as an F2 premises.


He explained that without the correct permissions in place and if the license was granted, it would encourage the owners  ...  view the full minutes text for item 25

Meeting: 02/09/2024 - Premises / Personal Licences Sub-Committee (Item 18)

18 Report of the Assistant Director (Governance & Legal) - A.1 - Grant of a Premises Licence, Kings Local, 65-67 Kings Avenue, Holland on Sea, Essex, REF: 24/00399/PREMGR pdf icon PDF 182 KB

To inform Members that an application has been received for the Grant of a premises licence under the Licensing Act 2003 from Mrs Selvabhavani Sujananth to sell/supply alcohol and that an objection notice of the licence has been received from an interested party.


Additional documents:


The Applicant and their representative failed to attend the meeting and as such, the Chairman of the Sub-Committee believed that, being within the public interest it was necessary for the Applicant to be in attendance, and so adjourned this item, A.1 Grant of the Premises Licence, Kings Local, 65-67 Kings Avenue, Holland-on-sea, Essex. Ref: 24/00399/PREMGR, to a later date as to be arranged outside of this meeting.