Issue - meetings
Meeting: 14/05/2024 - Planning Committee (Item 5)
Proposed creation of a 3G Artificial Grass Pitch (AGP) with perimeter fencing, acoustic fencing, hardstanding areas, storage container, floodlights, an access footpath and associated bund.
This application was called-in by Councillor Nick Turner, who has raised concerns that the development would result in a negative impact on the street scene, and is of a poor layout and would result in a negative impact to neighbours.
Additional documents:
The Committee was informed that the proposal now before it was for the erection of an Artificial Grass Pitch (AGP) on land that formed part of the existing playing pitch within the grounds of Tendring Technology College. This application was before the Planning Committee following a call-in request by Councillor Turner, who had raised his concerns that the development would result in a negative impact on the street scene, was of a poor layout and would result in a negative impact to neighbours.
Officers felt that the proposal would generate a high level of public benefits, notably through the inclusion of modern fit for purpose facilities that could be utilised all year round. Sport England offered strong support despite the part loss of an existing playing pitch, and Officers were not aware of an alternative location better suited for the proposed development, whilst equally noting that the Playing Pitch Strategy highlighted that there was both a current and future shortfall of youth 11v11 and 9v9 football pitches. A strong level of weight in the overall balance had therefore been given by Officers to the public benefits the scheme would provide.
Furthermore, the proposed development was not considered by Officers to result in significant harm to the character and appearance of the wider area; there was sufficient parking provision and ECC Highways had offered no objections subject to conditions. Similarly, ECC Ecology had not objected to the proposal subject to conditions, and whilst ECC SuDS had initially objected, this had been on more technical matters which had since been addressed.
Members were made aware that, the above notwithstanding, in terms of the impact to neighbouring amenities, whilst from a purely technical perspective the change in noise level was considered to be acceptable due to the absolute noise levels being within the WHO guidelines and the suggested mitigation measures proposed, Officers had equally acknowledged that there would be, inevitably, a degree of noise disturbance given the relatively close proximity of the development to neighbouring properties. Amendments to reduce the operating hours and re-locate the AGP away from neighbouring properties had helped reduce the level of harm, but Officers had still afforded weight to this harm in the overall planning balance.
Similarly, with regard to the impact of the proposed floodlights on neighbouring properties, the lighting plan provided demonstrated that the glare created would not be to an unacceptable level, with all lighting facing inwards towards the pitch. However, given the close proximity of the development to neighbours there would be a degree of visual impact to neighbours, if not from the glare of the floodlights but from the light spillage generated. Officers had afforded this level of harm a low level of weight in the overall planning balance.
The Committee was advised that, taking all of the detailed considerations above into consideration, Officers had concluded that, on this occasion, there were strong wider public benefits of the proposed development that outweighed the identified harm and with careful assessment the planning application had ... view the full minutes text for item 5