Issue - meetings

Meeting: 26/01/2024 - Cabinet (Item 79)

79 Cabinet Members' Items - Report of the Housing & Planning Portfolio Holder - A.5 - Consideration and Adoption of Housing Polices on Temporary Accommodation, Deposit Guarantee and Homelessness Prevention pdf icon PDF 150 KB

To present to Cabinet for approval and adoption three new/revised housing policies:


   Temporary Accommodation Policy;

   Deposit Guarantee Policy; and

   Homelessness Prevention Policy.


Additional documents:


RESOLVED that Cabinet –


(a)    formally adopts the following policies:


(i)       Temporary Accommodation Policy;

(ii)      Deposit Guarantee Policy; and

(iii)    Homelessness Prevention Policy.


(b)    authorises their direct implementation; and


(c)    authorises the Corporate Director (Operations and Delivery) to make future updates or amendments to each policy in consultation with the Portfolio Holder with responsibility for Housing.



Cabinet considered a report of the Housing & Planning Portfolio Holder (A.5), which sought its approval and adoption of three new/revised housing policies.


It was reported that the policies formalised some of the extensive work that was already undertaken by the Housing Solutions service in assisting those who were homeless or threatened with homelessness. The adoption of those policies would ensure that the Council had a clear framework in place in respect of activities associated with the prevention and relief of homelessness. The Council, along with other local housing authorities had experienced a year on year increase in homelessness presentations for several years. The current cost of living crisis meant that trend was unlikely to be reversed in the immediate future. The increase in homelessness presentations placed increasing pressure on the Housing Solutions Team as they sought to provide support to residents at what was likely to be one of the most difficult periods in their life. Sourcing further, suitable temporary accommodation for those that needed it was becoming more challenging, especially as the Council aimed not to place individuals outside of the District unless there were no other options.


Members were informed that the Temporary Accommodation Policy set out how temporary accommodation would be offered, the terms under which it was offered and the nature of the accommodation that would be made available. This policy was especially relevant as the Council drew closer to bringing Spendells House, Walton back into use as a dedicated temporary accommodation scheme.


Cabinet was made aware that the Deposit Guarantee Policy ensured that the Council had control over the provision of rent deposits for those persons who it assisted into privately rented accommodation. Spending on rent deposits had grown significantly over recent years and a focus on offering a deposit guarantee did not incur the same level of expenditure and would contribute to the operation of a more efficient homelessness service, making better use of the Homelessness Prevention Grant.


Cabinet was advised that Homelessness Prevention was the approach that should become the Council’s priority and that this dedicated policy set out the options available and how the Council would use them to the best effect to support residents of the District when they were threatened with homelessness.


In order to ensure that the policies were appropriately adopted, in accordance with the Council’s Constitution:-


It was moved by Councillor Baker, seconded by Councillor Placey and:-


RESOLVED that Cabinet –


(a)    formally adopts the following policies:


(i)       Temporary Accommodation Policy;

(ii)      Deposit Guarantee Policy; and

(iii)    Homelessness Prevention Policy.


(b)    authorises their direct implementation; and


(c)    authorises the Corporate Director (Operations and Delivery) to make future updates or amendments to each policy in consultation with the Portfolio Holder with responsibility for Housing.