Issue - meetings
Meeting: 26/01/2024 - Cabinet (Item 77)
Following a request made as part of the Council’s Budget Setting Process for 2023/24 to undertake a review of the Clacton Airshow this report will enable Cabinet to consider options for future event delivery.
Additional documents:
- A3 Appendix A - Clacton Airshow Review 2023, item 77 PDF 2 MB
- A3 Appendix B - Member Briefing Clacton Airshow Economic Impact 2022, item 77 PDF 555 KB
RESOLVED that Cabinet –
(a) formally agrees, subject to funding being allocated, to support the continuation of delivering the Clacton Air Show for the years 2024-2027, with annual reviews to be undertaken; and
(b) requests Officers to explore sponsorship opportunities including engaging specialist resource support.
Cabinet considered a report of the Economic Growth, Regeneration & Tourism Portfolio Holder (A.3), which set out options for the future of the Clacton Air Show based on a review requested as part of the Council’s Budget Setting Process for 2023/24. As such, this Clacton Air Show Review set out the key purpose, impact and benefits to running the Air Show in future years based on the outcomes experienced during the 2023 event.
Members were aware that the Clacton Air Show had national recognition and was one of the largest events in Essex; it was well supported by local and national media and all of the emergency services. Attracting thousands of visitors to the District, the Clacton Air Show was a local event that residents felt proud of; with the recent Corporate Plan Consultation (2023) highlighting that the: ‘air show is greatly loved by residents in the area’ and that a further 15.9% of people responding positively had stated that they would consider volunteering at the Clacton Air Show. In addition, feedback from visitors on social media and throughout the event, highlighted the positive excitement and energy that the event brought to the District.
The Clacton Air Show generated a significant amount of income to businesses within the local area. The Economic Impact report contained within Appendix B to the Portfolio Holder’s report highlighted that an estimated 250,000 attendees came to the event over the two-day period and contributed a net value of approximately £12,155,000 to the area with 166 jobs sustained for the duration of the show.
Cabinet was informed that the Clacton Air Show Review outlined why Tendring District Council hosted the Air Show and evidenced its impact on local tourism and to the wider economy. It aimed to enable a balanced decision to be taken on the future of the event in respect of the significant financial challenges faced by the Council. The review also included a comprehensive strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats analysis and provided an opportunity to review areas of development and potential for growth.
It was reported that the total cost to run the Clacton Air Show in 2023 had been £192,272, this included a budgeted subsidy of £130,330 and income generation of £65,718. A full financial breakdown had been included within the review, this incorporated the total costs of running the Clacton Air Show, impacts to the Council, and income generated. Alongside the budgeted financial subsidy for the Clacton Air Show, there were additional ‘in-kind’ costs incurred by the Council including staffing during the event and costs associated with Engineering and back office support.
Cabinet was made aware that the following options for the future of the Clacton Air Show had been considered:-
Option 1 – Air Show to be reviewed and agreed annually. Historically the decision to run the Air Show had been made annually following a review of the previous year’s event. There was the option to continue making this decision on a yearly basis, which would enable current factors to ... view the full minutes text for item 77