Issue - meetings

Meeting: 26/05/2017 - Cabinet (Item 25)

25 Joint Report of the Resources and Corporate Services Portfolio Holder and the Leisure and Partnerships Portfolio Holder - A.3 - Clacton Leisure Centre Ventilation System pdf icon PDF 155 KB

To request additional budgetary provision to ensure sufficient funding for the replacement of the Pool Hall Ventilation system at Clacton Leisure Centre.


That an additional £56,640 be allocated to the capital programme budget for the replacement of the Pool Hall Ventilation System at Clacton Leisure Centre and that the Head of Finance, Revenues and Benefits be authorised to make the necessary reallocation of funding within the existing capital programme.



There was submitted a joint report by the Portfolio Holder for Resources and Corporate Services and the Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Partnerships (Report A.3), which requested an additional budgetary provision in order to ensure sufficient funding for the replacement of the Pool Hall ventilation system at Clacton Leisure (CLC).


Cabinet was aware that the sum of £50,000 had originally been included in the capital programme in order to replace the Pool Hall Ventilation System at CLC, which was now beyond its economic lifecycle.  After further exploratory works by the mechanical consultant appointed to oversee the project on behalf of the Council, an additional £120,000 had been allocated, as the original budget was deemed to be substantially insufficient. 


It was reported that a tender exercise had been carried out in February 2017 with five contractors submitting quotations. An exercise in value engineering had subsequently been undertaken by the consultant, with the cheapest quote being reduced to £199,539, from an original submission of £264,112.  The reason for the variance from the original budget was due to an underestimation of the physical mechanical costs from the consultant’s projections and the added cost of keeping the facility open throughout the works.  


Cabinet was informed that, after taking into account the remaining professional fees payable to the mechanical consultant of £9,518, there was currently a project shortfall of £56,636.  This balance was therefore required to allow a works order to be placed and to commence this essential installation. 


Cabinet was advised that, as the current system had deteriorated significantly, a temporary unit had been installed in order to ensure satisfactory environmental conditions were maintained in the Pool Hall until a new unit was installed.  This temporary solution was not ideal and had been the subject of some complaints during cold weather.


Having considered the report and the advice of Officers, it was moved by Councillor Stock, seconded by Councillor McWilliams and:




That an additional £56,640 be allocated to the capital programme budget for the replacement of the Pool Hall Ventilation System at Clacton Leisure Centre and that the Head of Finance, Revenues and Benefits be authorised to make the necessary reallocation of funding within the existing capital programme.