Issue - meetings
Meeting: 31/08/2023 - Planning Committee (Item 31)
Proposed erection of a detached single storey dwelling with a detached garage and landscaping.
Earlier on in the meeting, as reported under Minute 28 above, Councillor Wiggins had stated for the public record that she was a Ward Member for Elmstead. However, as she was not pre-determined on this matter, Councillor Wiggins remained in the meeting and participated as the Committee deliberated and made its decision on this application.
The Committee was told that the application was before Members as the proposal represented a departure from the Local Plan, proposing new residential development outside of the Elmstead Settlement Development Boundary (SDB) as defined within the adopted Tendring District Local Plan 2013 to 2033 and Beyond.
Members heard that the application site was located on the southern side of Clacton Road (A133), on the outskirts of Elmstead Market, on land currently serving the garden area to the rear of the existing dwelling known as ‘Forres’.
The Committee heard that the application sought full planning permission for the subdivision of the rear garden serving Forres and the erection of 1 no. detached single storey dwelling. The property would front Oak Tree Place, be served by a detached double gauge and approximately 535 sqm of garden space.
Members heard that to the rear of Forres and the application site was a development of 8 bungalows. The bungalows were served by a new access road, Oak Tree Place, between Forres and Lanswood Business Centre.
The Committee was reminded that the site lay outside of the defined SDB of Elmstead and was therefore contrary to the spatial strategy set out within adopted Local Plan Section 1 Policy SP7 and Section 2 Policy SPL2. Local Plan policy SPL2 does not preclude residential development outside of the defined boundary, but rather requires careful consideration of the scale of development in relation to the settlement hierarchy category, site-specific characteristics, and sustainability of the site.
Members were informed that the adjacent development was originally approved for 9 dwellings (ref. 19/01211/DETAIL), superseded by the full permission for 8 bungalows now under construction (ref. 20/01840/FUL, varied by 21/00908/FUL). The application site itself broadly encompassed a portion of the land previously approved as part of the wider development. Had the previously approved scheme been built out, this would have accommodated a total of 9 detached dwellings. The current proposal would result in a total of 9 dwellings on the overall site. The development would essentially appear as an infill plot, would appear as part of the existing adjacent development, and not result in any harm to the character of the area or wider street scene.
Officers told the Committee that Elmstead Market was identified as a ‘rural service centre’ with a reasonably good range of services and facilities. The site laid approximately 0.22 miles (353 metres) from the edge of the defined settlement and 0.65 miles (1.05km) from the village centre. The site benefited from a pedestrian crossing and footpath link along Clacton Road. Furthermore, there were bus stops almost directly to the front of the site.
Members were also told that the ... view the full minutes text for item 31