Issue - meetings

Meeting: 31/08/2023 - Planning Committee (Item 30)

30 Report of Director (Planning) - A.1 - 23/00746/FUL - Grange Farm Barn, Heckfords Road, Great Bentley, Colchester, Essex, CO7 8RR pdf icon PDF 269 KB

Proposed retention of a building for storage of machinery, materials, and ancillary domestic/leisure use, all related to the existing property.

Additional documents:


Earlier on in the meeting as reported under Minute 28 above, Councillor Alexander had declared that he was pre-determined on this application. He therefore withdrew from the meeting and took no part whilst the Committee deliberated and made its decision on this application.


Members were told that this application was before the Planning Committee following a recent decision by the Committee to refuse a similar scheme on the site in February 2023 (reference 22/01601/FUL).


The proposal related to a retrospective planning application for a building that was initially approved under planning reference 19/01462/FUL in February 2020, but which had not been built in accordance with the previous approved plans. The main alterations saw an increase in the size and height of the building, which was to be utilised for ancillary storage and domestic leisure uses.


The Committee was reminded that the same scheme had been refused by the Planning Committee under 22/01601/FUL (against the Officers’ recommendation for approval) as it was not considered to make a positive contribution to the quality of the local environment and character and failed to relate to the site and surroundings, including other buildings, by reason of its excessive height, massing, scale and design, and it did not respect the local landscape views.


The Committee was told that the only difference between 22/01601/FUL and the current application was that a Landscape Appraisal had been provided to address the points raised within the previous refusal reason. Following a review of the Landscape Appraisal, as well as a review of comments provided by the Council’s Tree and Landscape Officer, Officers had concluded that the building was of a size, scale and form that was in keeping with the broadly agricultural character of the area and would not significantly alter views across the local setting and wider countryside.


Members heard that the increased size of the building would not detrimentally impact the setting on the nearby listed buildings and would result in a neutral impact to existing neighbouring amenities. In addition, Essex Highways had raised no objections.


The Committee had before it the published Officer report containing the key planning issues, relevant planning policies, planning history, any response from consultees, written representations received and a recommendation of approval.


At the meeting, an oral presentation was made by the Council’s Planning Officer (MP) in respect of the application.


An update sheet had been circulated to the Committee prior to the meeting with details of the wording of proposed planning condition no. 3, which was recommended by Officers to be amended to read as follows:-


“CONDITION: Within three months of the date of this planning permission a scheme of hard, soft and boundary treatment landscaping works for the site, which shall include any proposed changes in ground levels, shall be submitted to and approved, in writing, by the Local Planning Authority.


REASON: In the interests of visual amenity and the character and appearance of the area.




Slab level normally refers to the concrete slab supported on foundations  ...  view the full minutes text for item 30