Issue - meetings

Meeting: 01/08/2023 - Planning Committee (Item 23)

23 Report of Director (Planning) - A.3 - PLANNING APPLICATION – 22/01333/FUL – LAND WEST OF TURPINS FARM, WALTON ROAD, KIRBY LE SOKEN, CO13 0DA pdf icon PDF 554 KB

Proposed re-plan of part of site to provide 24 additional smaller units increasing total from 210 approved to 234 (as alternative to part of planning permission 16/00031/OUT and 20/00307/DETAIL).


It was reported that this application had been referred to the Planning Committee following a call-in request by the then Ward member, former Councillor Paul Clifton, on the grounds that the proposed development was: (i) contrary to the Development Plan, (ii) would have a negative impact on urban design/street scene and (iii) would represent a poor housing layout.


The Committee heard that the outline planning permission had been granted on 1 March 2017 under reference 16/00031/OUT for the erection of up to 210 dwellings with access from Elm Tree Avenue, including green infrastructure, children’s play area, school drop off point and parking facility and other related infrastructure at Turpins Farm. Reserved Matters for outline approval 16/0031/OUT, including details of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale, had been subsequently approved on 24 March 2022 under reserved matters application reference 20/00307/FUL. The principle of residential development at Turpins Farm had therefore been established by the grant of the outline permission.


Members were told that the current re-plan scheme application represented a part alternative housing layout to approved reserved matters application 20/00307/FUL for the western part of the site in order to provide 24 additional smaller housing units increasing the dwelling total for the Turpins Farm site as a whole from 210 approved units to 234 units involving various design and layout modifications to existing streets and house types. Construction was currently proceeding on the eastern half of the site under approved application 20/00307/FUL.


Members were informed that the detailed design, layout, landscaping and scale of the re-plan scheme were considered by Officers to be acceptable. The proposal would not result in any material harm being caused to residential amenity or highway safety.


The Committee was also told that the application was recommended by Officers for approval subject to the planning conditions set out in the Officer report and subject to a Section 106 agreement to secure the necessary local infrastructure requirements that arose from the scheme.


The Committee had before it the published Officer report containing the key planning issues, relevant planning policies, planning history, any response from consultees, written representations received and a recommendation of approval.


At the meeting, an oral presentation was made by the Council’s Planning Officer (CT) in respect of the application.


There were no Officer updates in respect of this application.


Samuel Caslin, the applicant’s agent, spoke in support of the application.


Town Councillor Nick Turner, speaking on behalf of Frinton and Walton Town Council, spoke against the application.


Councillor Mark Cossens, the Ward Member, spoke in support of the application.


Matters raised by Members of the Committee:-

Officer’s response thereto:-

Why are the affordable housing reduced from 30% to 20%? Is this across the whole site?

This is an odd application as it is a redesign of an existing arrangement, but this is a full application so it is set apart legally from the original. So, it will be 30% of the number of properties the subject of this application. Also, it was 30% of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 23