Issue - meetings

Meeting: 06/06/2023 - Planning Committee (Item 5)

5 Report of Director (Planning) - A.1 - PLANNING APPLICATION 22/01010/FUL – LAND AT BADLEY HALL FARM, ROBINSON CLOSE, GREAT BROMLEY, CO7 7HU pdf icon PDF 501 KB

Proposed erection of 9 no. dwellings, comprising 6 no. affordable and 3 no. market houses.


This application is before Members at the request of Councillor Scott due to concerns with parking provision, surface water flooding, loss of privacy to existing residents and highway safety issues.


This application was before the Members at the request of Councillor Scott due to the concerns with parking provision, surface water flooding, loss of privacy to existing residents and highway safety issues.


The planning application had been submitted on behalf of Orwell Housing for the proposed development of 9 no. dwellings (comprising of 6 no. affordable housing and 3 no. market houses) on land at Badley Hall Farm, Great Bromley.


The proposal would be served by the existing access, through the existing Robinson Close development approved as an affordable rural exception sit under application references 16/00782/OUT & 18/00974/DETAIL, comprising of 24 units, including 16 affordable dwellings.


The site is outside, but directly adjacent to the Great Bromley Settlement Boundary, and the majority of the site benefits from a Permission in Principle (PiP) under planning reference 21/00150/PIP, for the erection of 9 dwellings. A full application is made as the red lined site area has increased by 0.1ha to that originally approved under the PiP application. The scheme is submitted as a ‘rural exception housing’ scheme.


The application had essentially sought permission to extend the existing Robinson Close housing development. Although the red lined site area had increased slightly, the principle of development for 9 dwellings on the majority of the application site had been established through the PiP approval. In the main body of the report below, the reasons were given, it was considered that the slight increase of the site area would not amount to any significant visual or landscape harm beyond the extent of development already assessed through the approved PiP.


The Parish Council had raised their concerns with the development due to the lack of local need for affordable homes. However, the Council’s Housing Register showed that there were currently 251 households who would have liked to be offered a property in a village of Great Bromley. It was given that the rural exception nature of the development proposal the recommendation was subject to a legal agreement which included a clause for a sequential approach to finding occupants for the affordable housing units who met the definition of a “Local Person” (set out below).


This application was supported by the necessary technical reports to demonstrate that the development was acceptable in terms of ecology, trees and drainage. The Highway Authority raised no objection.


The Committee had before it the published Officer report containing the key planning issues, relevant planning policies, planning history, any response from consultees, written representations received and a recommendation of approval.


At the meeting, an oral presentation was made by the Council’s Planning Officer (AL) in respect of the application.


There has been no updates circulated to the Committee prior to the meeting.


Greg Dodds, the applicant’s representative, spoke in support of the application.


Claire Hughes, on behalf of Chris Jay, a member of the public, spoke against the application.


Parish Councillor Fred Nicholls, on behalf of Great Bromley Parish Council, spoke against the application.


Councillor Gary Scott, the “Caller-in” and a  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5