Issue - meetings

Meeting: 21/04/2017 - Cabinet (Item 187)

187 Matters Referred to the Cabinet by a Committee - Reference from the Service Development and Delivery Committee - A.1 - Update on the Relationship with the North East Essex Parking Partnership pdf icon PDF 259 KB

To enable Cabinet to give consideration to a request made to it by the Service Development and Delivery Committee in respect of the above.


That the recommendations of the Commercialisation, Seafronts and Parking Portfolio Holder be approved.



Cabinet was informed that, at the meeting of the Service Development and Delivery Committee held on 27 February 2017, Members had received an update on the Council’s relationship with the North Essex Parking Partnership and especially the offer made by Essex County Council to extend the current term of the Joint Committee Agreement by four years.


The Committee had before it a briefing note prepared by the Head of Public Realm (Ian Taylor) and which was set out under the following main headings:-


(1)  Background;

(2)  Current Position;

(3)  Alternative Options;

(4)  Proposal and Delegated Power;

(5)  Financial Implications and Risk; and

(6)  Risk Management Implications.


The Committee had also had before it a draft letter to Councillor Robert Mitchell, Chairman of the North Essex Parking Partnership which stated that Tendring District Council (TDC) had considered the matter, understood the advantages of continuing with the current agreement for a further four years and was in agreement with the proposal subject to the following provisions:-


(a)  TDC will not budget for any money to cover losses arising from the partnership;

(b)  No Camera enforcement cars will operate within the Tendring District; and

(c)  That the partnership agrees to further develop the arrangement with Civil Enforcement Officers employed by TDC to assist with meeting local requirements for on street parking enforcement.


The Committee had agreed that Cabinet be requested to -


  • acknowledge the excellent job that the Parking Services team and their Portfolio Holder have done with regards to the building of relationships with the North East Parking Partnership.


·         be requested to ensure that the North East Parking Partnership Terms of Reference are scrutinised by the relevant committee before the next contract is signed by TDC (likely 2021).


The Cabinet had before it the following recommendations of the Commercialisation, Seafronts and Parking Portfolio Holder made in response to the requests of the Service Development and Delivery Committee:


a)        The Committee be thanked for their supportive comments regarding the work

            done on building relationships with the North Essex Parking Partnership.


b)         It will be ensured that the North Essex Parking Partnership Terms of

            Reference are scrutinised by the relevant committee before the next contract

            is signed by TDC.


Having considered the comments of the Service Development and Delivery Committee and the comments and recommendations of the Commercialisation, Seafronts and Parking Portfolio Holder:


It was moved by Councillor Turner, seconded by Councillor Ferguson and:


RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Commercialisation, Seafronts and Parking Portfolio Holder be approved.