Issue - meetings
Meeting: 17/03/2023 - Cabinet (Item 136)
To seek the Cabinet’s agreement for Officers to carry out a six-week public consultation on Ardleigh Parish Council’s new Neighbourhood Plan, as part of the statutory plan-making process.
Additional documents:
- A1 Appendix 1 - Ardleigh Neighbourhood Plan, item 136
- A1 Appendix 2 - Ardleigh reg 14 consultation statement final REDACTED, item 136
- A1 Appendix 2 - Attachment 1 - National Highways, item 136
PDF 117 KB
- A1 Appendix 2 - Attachment 2 - Lichfields (onbehalf of Latimer), item 136
PDF 209 KB
- A1 Appendix 2 - Attachment 3 - Natural England, item 136
PDF 205 KB
- A1 Appendix 2 - Attachment 4 - Colchester City Council, item 136
PDF 141 KB
- A1 Appendix 2 - Attachment 5 - Crockleford Heath and Elmstead Action Group, item 136
PDF 320 KB
- A1 Appendix 2 - Attachment 6 - Essex County Council, item 136
PDF 316 KB
- A1 Appendix 2 - Attachment 7 - Essex County Fire and Rescue Service, item 136
PDF 227 KB
- A1 Appendix 2 - Attachment 8 - local resident and landowner, item 136
PDF 218 KB
- A1 Appendix 2 - Attachment 9 - Tendring District Council, item 136
PDF 297 KB
- A1 Appendix 2 - Attachment 10 - Green space representation - agent space 4_Redacted, item 136
- A1 Appendix 2 - Attachment 11 - Parish Council's response to space 4 landowner, item 136
PDF 711 KB
- A1 Appendix 3 - Ardleigh Basic Conditions Statement, item 136
RESOLVED that Cabinet -
a) notes the contents of the submitted documentation at Appendix 1 (The Neighbourhood Development Plan), Appendix 2 (Ardleigh Consultation Statement) and Appendix 3 (Ardleigh Basic Condition Statement ); and
b) authorises the Director (Planning) to carry out a six week public consultation on the Neighbourhood Plan and other related documents, in accordance with Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations 2012, following the District and Town/Parish Council elections in May 2023.
Cabinet considered a report of the Planning Portfolio Holder (A.1), which sought its agreement for Officers to carry out a six week public consultation on Ardleigh Parish Council’s new Neighbourhood Plan, as part of the statutory plan-making process.
It was reported that Ardleigh Parish Council had submitted the final version of its Neighbourhood Plan to Tendring District Council (TDC). The Neighbourhood Plan had been prepared by the Parish Council having regard to the technical evidence, feedback from community engagement activities and the ongoing advice of TDC Officers.
Members were informed that, as part of the statutory plan-making process, the Neighbourhood Plan must be published for six-weeks formal consultation and thereafter undergo an independent examination and a local referendum before it could be formally adopted by the District Council.
Cabinet was advised that, in adoption, the Neighbourhood Plan (with any changes required as a result of the consultation and examination process) would form part of the ‘Development Plan’ alongside the Tendring District Local Plan and would be a material consideration in the determination of planning applications.
Members were made aware that the documents submitted by Ardleigh Parish Council included the Neighbourhood Plan itself, a consultation document, a ‘Basic Condition Statement’ and a number of other supporting documents including a Habitat Regulation Assessment and a Strategic Environmental Assessment.
Cabinet noted that, because of the timing of both District Council and Town/Parish Council elections on 4th May 2023 and the concomitant restrictions on consultation activity in the pre-election period which had commenced on 13th March 2023, the six-week consultation would have to take place following those elections.
It was reported that the decisions involved in the process of making a Neighbourhood Development Plan were largely technical, or administrative, in nature, however certain decisions, for example, the decision to hold a referendum, or ultimately the decision to make the Neighbourhood Plan and bring it into force could be key decisions and as such should include Members’ involvement.
Having duly considered the contents of the submitted documentation and in order to allow this matter to move forward:-
It was moved by Councillor Bray, seconded by Councillor G V Guglielmi and:-
RESOLVED that Cabinet -
a) notes the contents of the submitted documentation at Appendix 1 (The Neighbourhood Development Plan), Appendix 2 (Ardleigh Consultation Statement) and Appendix 3 (Ardleigh Basic Condition Statement ); and
b) authorises the Director (Planning) to carry out a six week public consultation on the Neighbourhood Plan and other related documents, in accordance with Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations 2012, following the District and Town/Parish Council elections in May 2023.