Issue - meetings

Meeting: 27/01/2023 - Cabinet (Item 100)

100 Leader of the Council's Items - A.3 - Highlight Priority Actions 2022/23 towards Corporate Plan Themes - Monitoring Report at the Three Quarterly Point pdf icon PDF 140 KB

To provide the Cabinet with an update on the positive progress with the Highlight Priority Actions adopted for 2022/23 towards the Council’s Corporate Plan Themes for 2020/24.


Additional documents:




(a)    the contents of the report together with the proposed realignment of particular milestones and adoption of new milestones, for particular highlight priority actions set out in the report be noted and endorsed; and


(b)    Officers be authorised to commence early engagement with partners and the public to seek insight on future priorities for the Council in readiness for development of the Corporate Plan during 2023.



Cabinet considered a report of the Leader of the Council (A.1) which provided it with an update on the positive progress with the Highlight Priority Actions adopted for 2022/23 towards the Council’s Corporate Plan Themes for 2020/24.


The Cabinet was aware that the Corporate Plan 2020/24, adopted by Council, set out the strategic direction and policy objectives for the Council over that period.  Taking into account the Corporate Plan Themes, Cabinet at its meeting held on 25 February 2022 had adopted a series of highlight priority actions for 2022/23 with individual milestones for each of those actions.  This meeting of Cabinet provided an opportunity to report on the nine month position on each of those highlight priority actions and the specified milestones.


Members were reminded that circumstances generally (and as individual highlight priority actions were progressed) could impact on the achievement of individual milestones associated with those actions.  The Leader’s report invited Cabinet to realign (or further realign) certain milestones as set out in the Appendix to that report where such circumstances had impacted on the timing of individual milestones.


Members were aware that, normally, this meeting of Cabinet would also finalise its proposals for highlight priority actions for 2023/24. However, with the proximity of the election of all 48 District Councillors on Thursday 4 May 2023, the adoption of highlight priorities now could be seen as making commitments that would bind the Council following the elections. This seemed un-necessary and to run counter to the approach being taken in the budget process where the opportunity existed to leave allocation of the Revenue Support Grant and new Homes bonus to the Council’s administration after 4 May. As such, it was proposed to use the start of the 2023/24 financial year to complete/progress the highlight priorities for 2022/23 where there were matters to be progressed/completed.


Cabinet was informed that the Corporate Plan would continue to guide activity in that period. During that period and in advance of the administration following the election being confirmed formally, Officers would seek to gain insight of partners and the public on the priorities of, and pressures on, the Council to support decision making later in 2023 and the development of the 2024-28 Corporate Plan. The focus of the next Corporate Plan might be more restrictive than the current Corporate Plan due to the ongoing and future pressures on the Council.


In considering this report, Cabinet also reflected on the range of significant matters that the Council had delivered in the previous six months.  It had been a busy six months and a range of the bids, and deliverables in that period were set out in the background section of the Leader’s report and covered matters including:-


(1)    Tendring4Growth Business Fortnight to champion local Firms;

(2)    New rubbish bags for community litter picks;

(3)    BOFSTED reports good progress in Apprenticeship provider (Career Track);

(4)    Gold Award to TDC as positive employer of Armed Forces community;

(5)    Learning from Junior Ambassadors showcased at celebration event;

(6)  ...  view the full minutes text for item 100