Issue - meetings

Meeting: 17/01/2023 - Planning Committee (Item 85)


Proposed new shop front and external seating area to be used in connection with a lounge cafe.


This application is before Members as the land is owned by Tendring District Council.


Earlier on in the meeting, as reported under Minute 82 above, Councillor Alexander had stated for the public record that he was a Ward Member for this application.


It was reported that this application was before Members as the land was owned by Tendring District Council.


The Committee was informed that this application sought a new shopfront and creation of an external seating area at the Atlanta Building, Kings Promenade, below Marine Parde West, Clacton-on-Sea. Those changes would enable the building to operate as a lounge café.


Members were made aware that the existing Atlanta building was occupied by various kiosks and cafes, an that planning permission was not required for the change of use as all uses were within Class E.


In the opinion of Planning Officers the proposal was considered to be of an acceptable design and appearance, in keeping with the locality.


The Committee had before it the published Officer report containing the key planning issues, relevant planning policies, planning history, any response from consultees, written representations received and a recommendation of approval.


At the meeting, an oral presentation was made by the Council’s Development Technician (Charlotte Cooper) in respect of the application.


Outline of matters raised by the Committee

Outline of the Officer response thereto

Could the Officer clarify the ECC Heritage department’s concerns?

ECC Heritage had concern about the new external railing to mark the new external seating area at ground floor. They felt that a railing would represent a permanent feature which would not be considered in keeping with the open and public character of the West Promenade (Paragraphs 197c and 206 of the NPPF were relevant here). However, TDC’s Planning Officers had noted that the surrounding area was largely characterised by buildings of a similar use and design. Railings appeared prominently within the area, including on the existing host site and site directly opposite the application site. The railings therefore could not be said to be out of character with the existing Conservation Area in this regard, but did change the immediate character of the area. In this case the external seat area to ensure a flat surface for seating would, in part, be raised and a form of enclosure was required to avoid customers’ falling. The enclosure provided a degree of enclosure and security as well as protection that improved the use of the building and was considered to contribute to a viable economic use and function that represented a public benefit. Therefore, while harm was slight, public benefit was considered to outweigh this harm. In the planning balance it was also considered that permitted development could allow a form of enclosure (be it a little lower in height) without planning permission being required.

Clarify where the disabled access to the ground floor will be.

It will be on the eastern end (i.e. the Pier side) of the building.


Following discussion by the Committee:-


It was moved by Councillor Baker, seconded by Councillor Alexander and:-


RESOLVED that the Planning Manager be authorised  ...  view the full minutes text for item 85