Issue - meetings
Meeting: 24/11/2022 - Planning Committee (Item 66)
Erection of one bungalow (in lieu of deemed Prior Approval for a dwelling, subject of application 21/02086/COUNOT). Revised siting to that approved under application 22/00464/FUL.
Earlier on in the meeting, Councillor Harris had stated for the public record that he was the Ward Member for this application. He had confirmed, however, that he was not pre-determined on this application and therefore he took part in the Committee’s deliberations on this matter.
Members were informed that this application had been referred to Planning Committee as the proposed development would conflict with the requirements of the Development Plan, principally Policy SPL2 (Settlement Development Boundaries) of the Tendring District Local Plan 2013-2033 and Beyond Section 2 (adopted January 2022) being located outside of any defined settlement development boundary.
The proposed dwelling was not considered by Officers to be so materially different in regards to siting, height, footprint and appearance to the development approved under prior approval 21/02086/COUNOT and the new dwelling approved in lieu of this prior approval under application 22/00464/FUL. The proposed dwelling, which was the subject of this application was re-located to the east of the existing agricultural building and would utilise an existing secondary access to the site from Gutteridge Hall Lane.
In the absence of any material harm resulting from the development in regards to its individual appearance, impact on the wider street scene and the character and appearance of the rural landscape, Officers had recommended that the application be approved. Furthermore, the proposal would not result in any detrimental impact on neighbour amenity and there were no concerns raised with regard to parking and highway matters.
The Committee had before it the published Officer report containing the key planning issues, relevant planning policies, planning history, any response from consultees, written representations received and a recommendation of approval.
At the meeting, an oral presentation was made by the Council’s Planning Manager (John Pateman-Gee) in respect of the application. An update sheet had been circulated to the Committee prior to the meeting that had confirmed that Weeley Parish Council had decided not to object to, or comment on, this application.
Peter Le Grys, the agent acting on behalf of the applicant, spoke in support of the application.
Outline of matters raised by Members of the Committee |
Outline of Officer response thereto |
Clarify that all of the barn building would be demolished? |
Yes, all the barn building would be demolished. |
Could we have a condition requiring the installation of solar panels on the roof? |
That could be done via a condition requiring a renewable energy management plan. However, that condition had not been imposed upon the previous planning permission for this site and therefore it could be robustly challenged at a planning appeal if now imposed on this application. |
Could we impose a condition requiring that construction vehicles did not cause disruption for the road users of Gutteridge Hall Lane? |
Proposed condition number 7 dealt with this by way of a requirement for Construction Method Statement. |
Is there anything in the NPPF that requires new development to have solar panels installed? |
Not at present. |
Confirm that if the applicant went ahead with this ... view the full minutes text for item 66 |