Issue - meetings
Meeting: 07/10/2022 - Cabinet (Item 57)
To seek approval from Cabinet for an agreement with Essex County Council regarding the use of Sheltered Housing long-term void flats, to be funded by the North East Essex Health and Well-being Alliance and used for qualifying individuals for up to a 12 week stay.
RESOLVED that Cabinet -
(a) approves the principle of using vacant sheltered housing flats for the provision of short term accommodation for those leaving hospital care and whose principal home is unavailable;
(b) approves entering into an agreement with Essex County Council to formalise the arrangement to use two flats at Kate Daniels House, Weeley for a period of three years for such temporary accommodation;
(c) authorises the Corporate Director (Operations and Delivery), in consultation with the Housing Portfolio Holder, to agree the terms of the agreement with Essex County Council; and
(d) authorises the extension of that agreement to further flats and other schemes or beyond the three year period should there be a demonstrated need and mutual agreement to do so.
Cabinet considered a report of the Housing Portfolio Holder (A.4), which sought its approval for an agreement with Essex County Council regarding the use of Sheltered Housing long-term void flats, to be used for qualifying individuals for up to a 12-week stay.
Members were reminded that a 12 month pilot scheme had seen four otherwise vacant sheltered flats owned by Tendring District Council used as temporary accommodation for persons leaving hospital care and unable to return home, in a partnership with Essex County Council. That pilot had been funded by the North East Essex Health and Well-being Alliance and had facilitated a 12 week stay for those in need of interim accommodation. The scheme had reduced the length of hospital stays and had provided a cheaper option to care home placements.
It was now proposed to extend the pilot for a further three years using two sheltered flats at Kate Daniels House in Weeley but with the option to extend beyond three years or to use additional flats if required. Approval was therefore sought for the principal of using otherwise vacant Tendring District Council sheltered flats for temporary accommodation and alternative housing purposes and to enter into an agreement with Essex County Council for the joint arrangements.
In the belief that the two properties in question were likely to remain void for the foreseeable future due to historic low demand for that site and that entering into the agreement would generate an income to the Housing Revenue Account and help alleviate problems caused by an individual not being able to return to their home:-
It was moved by Councillor G V Guglielmi, seconded by Councillor Bray and:-
RESOLVED that Cabinet -
(a) approves the principle of using vacant sheltered housing flats for the provision of short term accommodation for those leaving hospital care and whose principal home is unavailable;
(b) approves entering into an agreement with Essex County Council to formalise the arrangement to use two flats at Kate Daniels House, Weeley for a period of three years for such temporary accommodation;
(c) authorises the Corporate Director (Operations and Delivery), in consultation with the Housing Portfolio Holder, to agree the terms of the agreement with Essex County Council; and
(d) authorises the extension of that agreement to further flats and other schemes or beyond the three year period should there be a demonstrated need and mutual agreement to do so.