Issue - meetings

Meeting: 17/03/2017 - Cabinet (Item 179)

179 Report of the Resources and Corporate Services Portfolio Holder - A.5 - Annual Treasury Strategy 2017/18 pdf icon PDF 908 KB

To agree the Annual Treasury Strategy for 2017/18 (including Prudential and Treasury Indicators) for submission to Council.


That the comments of the Corporate Management Committee be noted; and  that it be:


RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL that the Annual Treasury Strategy for 2017/2018 (including Prudential and Treasury Indicators), be approved and implemented.


There was submitted a report by the Portfolio Holder for Resources and Corporate Services (Report A.5), which sought Cabinet’s agreement for the Annual Treasury Strategy for 2017/2018 to be submitted to Council.


Cabinet recalled that it had initially considered and agreed the Annual Treasury

Strategy for 2016/2017, including Prudential and Treasury Indicators, at its meeting held on 20 January 2017 for submission to the Corporate Management Committee for review.


It was reported that the Corporate Management Committee had considered the Strategy at its meeting held on 13 February 2017 and had resolved that the Committee (minute 53 referred):


“Supports the proposed Annual Treasury Strategy for 2017/18 (including the Prudential and Treasury Indicators).”


Cabinet was made aware that the Annual Treasury Strategy had been subject to minor amendments to reflect the most up to date interest rate forecasts along with the Prudential Indicators now taking into account the final budget for 2016/17, as agreed by Council on 7 February 2017. Apart from those minor amendments the Strategy remained as presented to Cabinet at its 20 January 2017 meeting.


Having discussed the Strategy and the proposals contained therein and having   considered the comment of the Corporate Management Committee:


 It was proposed by Councillor G V Guglielmi, seconded by Councillor Turner and:


RESOLVED that the comments of the Corporate Management Committee be noted; and that it be:


RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL that the Annual Treasury Strategy for 2017/2018 (including Prudential and Treasury Indicators), be approved and implemented.