Issue - meetings
Meeting: 17/06/2022 - Cabinet (Item 25)
To consider, in principle, whether to acquire certain land and property in Victoria Street, Harwich.
Additional documents:
RESOLVED that Cabinet agrees, in principle, of the acquiring of the land and property in Victoria Street, Harwich.
Cabinet considered a joint report of the Corporate Finance & Governance Portfolio Holder and the Housing Portfolio Holder (A.6), which sought its decision, in principle, to acquire certain land and property in Victoria Street, Harwich.
It was reported that the Council had been contacted at various times over several years with complaints over the condition of the subject land and property at Victoria Street, Harwich, both in terms of being a dangerous structure; antisocial behaviour and it being visually unappealing and a detriment to the area.
Following recent adverse weather and the Council having to secure the site in the interest of public safety, the site owners had been contacted. They had expressed their intent to place the property for sale in an auction unless the Council wanted to make a prior offer.
Due to the timeframe of the seller’s auction date, the usual process initiation report to the Portfolio Holder had not been possible, so following consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Corporate Finance and Governance it had been agreed that Officers carried out negotiations and then submit the outcome to the Cabinet.
In order to secure the site for the benefit of the local residents and the wider District and to give potential effect to Members’ priorities for Council Housing growth (subject to further decision on funding and contractual commitments and acquiring planning permission and other consents through the usual application processes):-
It was moved by Councillor G V Guglielmi, seconded by Councillor P B Honeywood and:-
RESOLVED that Cabinet agrees, in principle, of the acquiring of the land and property in Victoria Street, Harwich.