Issue - meetings
Meeting: 20/05/2022 - Cabinet (Item 10)
To provide an update and seek Cabinet’s endorsement for a number of community projects that contribute to the organisation’s Community Leadership role.
a) Cabinet endorses the projects listed within the Portfolio Holder’s report as those which will continue to be supported in 2022/2023 in alignment with the Council’s Corporate Plan priorities; and
b) the Community Leadership Overview & Scrutiny Committee be requested to continue to scrutinise this work programme.
Cabinet considered a detailed report of the Partnerships Portfolio Holder (A.2) which provide it with an update on community projects and which also sought Cabinet’s endorsement for a number of community projects that contributed to the Council’s Community Leadership role.
Members were aware that this Council’s Corporate Plan 2020-2024 placed Community Leadership at the forefront of everything the authority did through the delivery of high quality, affordable services and working positively with others. To deliver that aspiration, a number of community projects had been formed under the following themes:
§ Health and Wellbeing
§ Education
§ Community Safety
§ Economic Growth & Leisure
Officers had been instrumental in the sourcing of, and applications for external funding, for the delivery of a number of those projects. To date this had secured £4.4 million of funding for those initiatives.
The Portfolio Holder’s report provided an overview of the projects which had been identified in accordance with the role of the Council, as a Community Leader. The Council was not the statutory provider for Education, Health and Wellbeing. However, through influence, bringing stakeholders and partners together to share and improve practices, there were a number of areas where the Council could offer support to Education and Health providers, and ultimately children, learners, patients and residents across the District.
An overview of each of the projects was provided under the following headings:-
Education Projects
(i) Tendring Education Strategic Board;
(ii) Teach First;
(iii) IntoUniversity;
(iv) Well-being Hub – rollout of model; and
(v) Tendring Health & Care Academy.
Health Projects
(i) Local Delivery Pilot;
(ii) Ben Clyne: Sheltered Housing Fitness;
(iii) Jodie Milne: Inclusive Dance;
(iv) Tendring District Youth Football Club;
(v) Jaywick Sands Boxing Club;
(vi) Essex Pedal Power;
(vii) Disability Cycling;
(viii) ‘Beat the Street’;
(ix) Suicide Prevention; and
(x) North East Essex Health & Well-being Alliance.
Community Safety Projects
(i) The Essex Violence & Vulnerability Unit;
(ii) Youth Impact – Uturn Project;
(iii) Dot Com and Watch Over Me programmes;
(iv) SOS Bus Project;
(v) Crucial Crew;
(vi) Street Action Days;
(vii) The Youth Project;
(viii) CUFITC – Unite our Communities Programme;
(ix) CUFITC – Mental Health Awareness Projects; and
(x) CUFITC – 1-2-1 & Small Group Mentoring.
Economic Growth & Leisure Projects
(i) Tendring Local Cultural Education Partnership;
(ii) Clacton 150;
(iii) Green Day;
(iv) Tendring Junior Ambassadors;
(v) Theatre Temoin FLOOD project;
(vi) ‘Snapping the Stiletto’;
(vii) Grand Theatre of Lemmings;
(viii) Essex Children’s University – Essex Book Festival Poetry Slam;
(ix) Hunt & Dalton: Kids’ Business;
(x) Dig4Jaywick Community Garden;
(xi) Jaywick Sands Beach Clean events; and
(xii) Jaywick Sands Networking Group.
The Leader of the Tendring Independents Group (Councillor M E Stephenson), in his capacity as the Chairman of the Resources and Services Overview & Scrutiny Committee, raised his concern that the Council might “be setting itself up for a fall” regarding these budgets should the monies be suddenly withdrawn by the external funders. He suggested that his Committee should regularly scrutinise those budgets.
The Deputy Leader of the Council (Councillor G V Guglielmi) and ... view the full minutes text for item 10