Issue - meetings

Meeting: 20/01/2017 - Cabinet (Item 147)

147 Report of the Interim Finance and Revenues & Benefits Portfolio Holder - A.1 - Annual Treasury Strategy for 2017/18 (Including Prudential and Treasury Indicators) pdf icon PDF 431 KB

Cabinet’s agreement is sought for the Annual Treasury Strategy for 2017/18 (including the Prudential and Treasury indicators) for consultation with the Corporate Management Committee.


That the Annual Treasury Strategy for 2017/2018 (including Prudential and Treasury Indicators) be approved and be submitted to the Corporate Management Committee for review.


There was submitted a report by the Interim Portfolio Holder for Finance, Revenues and Benefits (Report A.1), which sought the Cabinet’s approval for the Annual Treasury Strategy for 2017/18 (including Prudential and Treasury Indicators) for consultation with the Corporate Management Committee.


It was reported that the Local Government Act 2003, and supporting regulations, required the Council to set out its treasury strategy for borrowing and to prepare an Annual Investment Strategy (as required by Investment Guidance subsequent to the Act), which set out the Council’s policies for managing its investments and for giving priority to the security and liquidity of those investments, “having regard” to the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy’s (CIPFA) Prudential Code and the CIPFA Treasury Management Code of Practice.


It was noted that the Treasury Strategy had been prepared in light of advice received from the Council’s Treasury advisers and reflected the latest codes and guidance.


Accordingly, it was moved by Councillor G V Guglielmi, seconded by Councillor Turner and:


RESOLVED that the Annual Treasury Strategy for 2017/2018 (including Prudential and Treasury Indicators) be approved and be submitted to the Corporate Management Committee for review.