Issue - meetings
Meeting: 25/02/2022 - Cabinet (Item 133)
To consider, in principle, whether to dispose of land in Stourview Avenue, Mistley to provide access to an adjoining potential development.
Additional documents:
RESOLVED that Cabinet agrees, in principle, to dispose of the land in question in Stourview Avenue, Mistley in order to facilitate access to a proposed adjoining development.
Cabinet gave consideration to a report of the Leader of the Council (A.3) which sought its approval, in principle, to dispose of land in Stourview Avenue, Mistley in order to provide access to an adjoining potential development.
It was reported that the Council had freehold ownership of land in Stourview Avenue and adjoining roads. The land included dwellings and areas for a range of related amenity uses (“an estate”). The estate was of mixed tenure but the majority of the dwellings remained in the Council’s ownership and were tenanted. The estate area was shown edged red on the plan attached at Appendix A to item A.3 of the Report of the Leader of the Council.
Cabinet was informed that a developer sought access to adjoining potential development land (as shown edged pale blue on the aforementioned plan attached at Appendix A) via a verge and a section of scrub land to the east of Stourview Avenue. That land was within the estate and the sale of it offered the opportunity for the Council to gain a capital receipt and to facilitate new homes with very little effect on the existing housing areas. The plan attached as Appendix A showed the potential access, which had planning permission, coloured magenta.
Members were made aware that Officers and a commercial agent acting for the Council had negotiated terms for the freehold disposal of the verge land and an isolated area north of the Council’s housing. Full details of the terms of the option were contained in the related private and confidential report of the Leader of the Council which would be considered later on in the meeting following the exclusion of the press and public.
Cabinet was advised that, ordinarily this report would be presented by the Corporate Finance & Governance Portfolio Holder. However, in this case the Portfolio Holder had declared an interest and had asked for the report to be presented by the Leader of the Council instead.
Having duly considered the information and advice contained in the Leader of the Council’s report:-
It was moved by Councillor Neil Stock OBE, seconded by Councillor Paul Honeywood and:-
RESOLVED that Cabinet agrees, in principle, to dispose of the land in question in Stourview Avenue, Mistley in order to facilitate access to a proposed adjoining development.