Issue - meetings
Meeting: 25/02/2022 - Cabinet (Item 132)
To receive the outcome of consultation with the public, partners and the two Overview and Scrutiny Committees on provisional highlight priority actions for 2022/23. Cabinet is then invited to determine its highlight priority actions for 2022/23 against which performance will be monitored and reported on in that year.
Additional documents:
(a) the outcome of the consultation with the public, partner organisations and the two Overview and Scrutiny Committees on the provisional list of highlight priority actions agreed by Cabinet on 17 December 2021, as set out at Appendix B to item A.2 of the Report of the Leader of the Council, be received and welcomed; and
(b) the highlight priority actions for 2022/23, as set out at Appendix A to the aforesaid report, be formally adopted by Cabinet.
Cabinet gave consideration to a report of the Leader of the Council (A.2) which informed it of the outcome of the consultation with the public, partners and the two Overview and Scrutiny Committees on its provisional highlight priority actions for 2022/23. Cabinet was also requested to determine its highlight priority actions for 2022/23 against which performance would be monitored and reported on in that year.
Cabinet recalled that, at its meeting held on 17 December 2021, it had considered a provisional list of highlight priority actions, which had been prepared following consultation with individual Portfolio Holders and the Leader of the Council. These had then been submitted to the two Overview and Scrutiny Committees in order to engage with those Committees on the priority actions to be adopted and the performance monitoring of the delivery of those actions. In addition, between the dates 5 - 19 January 2022, local partner organisations and the public had been invited to submit views on the initial priorities.
It was reported that the Community Leadership Overview and Scrutiny Committee, at its meeting held on 10 January 2022, had considered Cabinet’s request for feedback. The Cabinet’s request for feedback had also been submitted to the Resources and Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee at its meeting held on 12 January 2022. Set out at Appendix B to item A.2 of the Report of the Leader of the Council were the views of the two Overview and Scrutiny Committees and a summary of the views from the public and partner organisations.
Having duly considered the feedback from the consultation process together with all of the information contained in the Leader of the Council’s report:-
It was moved by Councillor Neil Stock OBE, seconded by Councillor Lynda McWilliams and:-
(a) the outcome of the consultation with the public, partner organisations and the two Overview and Scrutiny Committees on the provisional list of highlight priority actions agreed by Cabinet on 17 December 2021, as set out at Appendix B to item A.2 of the Report of the Leader of the Council, be received and welcomed; and
(b) the highlight priority actions for 2022/23, as set out at Appendix A to the aforesaid report, be formally adopted by Cabinet.