Issue - meetings

Meeting: 30/11/2016 - Planning Committee (Item 80)

80 A.3 - Planning Application - 15/01810/OUT - Land North of Stourview Avenue, Mistley, CO11 1LT pdf icon PDF 341 KB

Proposed new access road and the erection of up to 70 dwellings and associated works.      


The Committee had before it the published Officer report containing the key planning issues, relevant planning policies, planning history, any response from consultees, written representations received and a recommendation of approval.


At the meeting, an oral presentation was made by the Council’s Planning Manager (GG) in respect of the application.


Lynn Smith, a local resident, spoke against the application.


Steven Rose, the applicant, spoke in support of the application.


Following discussion by the Committee, it was moved by Councillor Hones, seconded by Councillor Fowler and unanimously RESOLVED that the Head of Planning (or equivalent authorised officer) be authorised to grant outline planning permission for the development, subject to:


a)    Within six months of the date of the Committee’s resolution to approve, the completion of a legal agreement under the provisions of Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 dealing with the following matters (where relevant):


·         On-site Council Housing/Affordable Housing;

·         Education contribution;

·         Health contribution;

·         Contribution towards ecological mitigation; and

·         Completion and transfer of public open space and maintenance contribution.


b)    Planning conditions in accordance with those set out in (i) below (but with such amendments and additions, if any, to the detailed wording thereof as the Head of Planning (or the equivalent authorised officer) in their discretion considers appropriate):


(i)            Conditions:


1. Standard 3 year time limit for submission of reserved matters application;

2. Standard 2 year limit for commencement of development following approval of reserved matters;

3. Details of appearance, layout, scale and landscaping (the reserved matters);

4. Layout and phasing plan/programme;

5. Development to contain up to (but no more than) 70 dwellings;

6. Highways conditions (as recommended by the Highway Authority);

7. Archeologic trial trenching;

8. Ecological mitigation/enhancement plan;

9. Foul water strategy;

10. Surface water drainage scheme;

11. SuDS maintenance/monitoring plan;

12. Hard and soft landscaping plan/implementation;

13. Details of lighting, materials and refuse storage/collection points;

14. Broadband connection; and

15. Local employment arrangements.


c)    That the Head of Planning (or the equivalent authorised officer) be authorised to refuse planning permission in the event that such legal agreement has not been completed within the period of six months, as the requirements necessary to make the development acceptable in planning terms had not been secured through a Section 106 planning obligation.