Issue - meetings
Meeting: 14/09/2020 - Human Resources Sub-Committee Panel (Item 3)
Appointment of Corporate Director and Assistant Directors
Following the interviews of the candidates, to enable the Sub-Committee Panel to notify the Acting Head of People, Performance and Projects of the names of the persons to whom the following posts are to be offered and any other matter relevant to those appointments, in accordance with the Officer Employment Procedure Rules and the Council’s Scheme of Delegation:-
(1) Corporate Director (Operations and Delivery);
(2) Assistant Director (Strategic Planning and Place); and
(3) Assistant Director (Planning).
Having interviewed the candidates for the posts of Corporate Director (Operations and Delivery), Assistant Director (Strategic Planning and Place) and Assistant Director (Planning):
It was moved by Councillor G V Guglielmi, seconded by Councillor Calver and unanimously:
(i) the Acting Head of People, Performance and Projects be notified of the names of the persons to whom the aforementioned posts of Corporate Director and Assistant Directors are to be offered; and
(ii) Council Procedure Rule 20.1 be suspended in order to delegate authority to the Assistant Director (Governance) & Monitoring Officer to approve the draft minutes as an accurate record of the meeting, after consultation with the Members of the Sub-Committee Panel.
NOTE: The Sub-Committee Panel was aware that no formal offers of appointment could be made until the provisions of Officer Employment Procedure Rule 5 had been complied with. Rule 5(b) allowed for a three working day period in which the Leader of the Council, on behalf of the Cabinet, could object to one or more of the proposed appointments. If such an objection(s) was/were lodged the Sub-Committee Panel would be required to reconvene and satisfy itself that such objection(s) was/were neither material nor well-founded.