Issue - meetings

Meeting: 09/09/2016 - Cabinet (Item 79)

79 Report of Finance, Revenues & Benefits Portfolio Holder - A.3 - Corporate Budget Monitoring - First Quarter 2016/2017 pdf icon PDF 199 KB

To consider the Corporate Budget Monitoring report for the first quarter 2016/17.

Additional documents:




(a)           the financial position as at the end of June 2016 was noted;


(b)           the 2016/17 budget is to be amended via the transfer of up to £0.150m from employee budgets to a planning inquiry budget to meet this cost pressure which had emerged during the first quarter of 2016/17;


(c)           delegation to be given to the Head of Finance, Revenues and Benefits to amend the 2016/17 budgets to reflect the IT service being brought in-house from April 2016 with no net impact on the Council’s overall budget and;


(d)           delegation to be given to the Head of Finance Revenues and Benefits, in consultation with the Finance, Revenues and Benefits Portfolio Holder, to accept the Government’s 4 year revenue support grant offer, via the submission of an efficiency plan, if favourable to the Council.




There was submitted a detailed report and appendices by the Portfolio Holder for Finance, Revenues & Benefits (Report A.3), which provided an overview of the Council’s actual financial position against the budget as at the end of June 2016 and to set out budget adjustments required in 2016/17.


That overview covered the following areas of the budget:-


(1)  General Fund Revenue;

(2)  Expenditure Budgets;

(3)  Income Budgets;

(4)  Other Budgets;

(5)  2016/2017 Budget Adjustments and Issues;

(6)  Housing Revenue Account – Revenue;

(7)  Capital Programme – General Fund;

(8)  Capital Programme – Housing Revenue Account;

(9)  Corporate Debt; and

(10)        Treasury Activity.


Having considered the report and appendices:


It was moved by Councillor Howard, seconded by Councillor Honeywood and:-




(a)           the financial position as at the end of June 2016 was noted;


(b)           the 2016/17 budget is to be amended via the transfer of up to £0.150m from employee budgets to a planning inquiry budget to meet this cost pressure which had emerged during the first quarter of 2016/17;


(c)           delegation to be given to the Head of Finance, Revenues and Benefits to amend the 2016/17 budgets to reflect the IT service being brought in-house from April 2016 with no net impact on the Council’s overall budget and;


(d)             delegation to be given to the Head of Finance Revenues and Benefits, in consultation with the Finance, Revenues and Benefits Portfolio Holder, to accept the Government’s 4 year revenue support grant offer, via the submission of an efficiency plan, if favourable to the Council.