Issue - meetings

Meeting: 22/10/2019 - Planning Committee (Item 56)

56 A.1 - Planning Application- 18/01888/FUL - Mulleys Farm, Bentley Road, Little Bromley, Manningtree, CO11 2PL pdf icon PDF 168 KB

Change of use of agricultural and storage buildings to mixed open use (B1, B2 and B8) and the erection of an extension following the removal of a lean-to structure.


It was reported that this application had been referred to the Planning Committee at the request of Councillor Stock OBE, the local Ward Member.


The Committee had before it the published Officer report containing the key planning issues, relevant planning policies, planning history, any response from consultees, written representations received and a recommendation of approval.


At the meeting, an oral presentation was made by the Council’s TemporaryPlanning Team Leader (TF) in respect of the application.


Andy Pirie, on behalf ofMr and Mrs Christmas, who were the owners of Mulley’s Cottage spoke against the application.


Parish Councillor Jon Buxton, representing Little Bromley Parish Council, spoke against the application.


Councillor Stock OBE, the local Ward Member, spoke against the application.


Natalie Winstear, the agent on behalf of the applicant, spoke in support of the application.


Following discussion by the Committee, it was moved by Councillor Bray, seconded by Councillor Alexander and unanimously RESOLVED that, contrary to the Officer’s recommendation of approval, the Head of Planning (or equivalent authorised officer) be authorised to refuse planning permission for the development due to the following reasons:-


  • Adverse impact on neighbour amenity due to noise impact.
  • Lack of parking provision to meet potential B1 use.
  • Adverse highway impact due to increased traffic.