Issue - meetings

Meeting: 13/09/2019 - Cabinet (Item 34)

34 Leader of the Council's Items - A.1 - New Corporate Plan 2020 - 2024 pdf icon PDF 165 KB

To seek Cabinet’s approval to the draft Corporate Plan 2020/24 and its initial proposals for consultation and examination by the Overview and Scrutiny Committees.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that Cabinet approves both the content of the draft Corporate Plan 2020 – 24, (as set out in Appendix A), as its Initial Proposals for consultation purposes and also the proposed arrangements and timetable for scrutiny, and consultation, (as set out in Appendices B and C to the report).


The Cabinet gave consideration to a report of the Leader of the Council (A.1) which sought its approval of the draft Corporate Plan 2020/24 and its initial proposals for consultation and examination by the Overview and Scrutiny Committees.


Cabinet recalled that at its last meeting held on 19 July 2019 it had decided to “instruct officers to work with Portfolio Holders to bring forward proposals for a new Corporate Plan for the period 2020 to 2024…” It had also been agreed that the current strategic Performance Management arrangements should remain in place, consisting of


Ø   A high level, strategic, long term Corporate Plan agreed by Council.

Ø   An annual programme of Priorities and Projects to deliver the Corporate Plan aspirations agreed by Cabinet.

Ø   Clear milestones and deliverables for the Priorities and Projects set out in the Performance Dashboard.

Ø   Quarterly reporting of the Performance Dashboard to Cabinet and the two Overview and Scrutiny Committees.

Ø   Monthly monitoring of the Performance Dashboard by Management Team.


The draft Corporate Plan, as attached as Appendix A to the Leader of the Council’s report, followed the principles which had also been agreed at the last Cabinet meeting, namely:


Ø   a “Plan on a Page”;

Ø   with Community Leadership at its heart;

Ø   with other cross-cutting themes identified such as Tendring4Growth; and

Ø   with a clear statement of the Council’s overall vision and values.


It was reported that a number of major topics and themes such as Jaywick, Garden Communities and support for local businesses, had been carried forward from the previous Corporate Plan into this new draft because they were very long term and ongoing. Key points were as follows:


Ø   Community Leadership remained as the predominant cross-cutting theme;

Ø   Economic growth - “Tendring4Growth” - was also highlighted as a theme which cut across a wide range of the Council’s service activities and projects;

Ø   Transformation – of the way the Council worked – no longer featured as a separate heading but was embedded as “modern facilities” and “24 hour digital services”;

Ø   The Council’s commitment to work towards Carbon Neutrality had been included alongside “minimise waste; maximise recycling”;

Ø   Effective regulation and enforcement, a proactive Planning service and effective planning policies reflected the key importance of those activities to have a positive impact on the wider District and its residents with hopefully the benefit of an adopted Local Plan in the first year of the life of the new Corporate Plan;

Ø   More emphasis and detail had been provided regarding working with partners as a Community Leader – setting out not just some of the key partnerships but what the Council aspired to achieve through that approach;

Ø   The plan to embark on new housebuilding had been included, as was the desire to see town centres within Tendring revitalized; and

Ø   A growing and inclusive economy that included developing and supporting existing businesses as well as attracting new businesses and a commitment to promoting not just the major Tourism attractions  ...  view the full minutes text for item 34