Decision details

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Deleted

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes




a)         the 2019/20 Interim Business Plan and Budget (subject to confirmation of Government funding) for NEGC Ltd, as attached at Appendix A to the report, be approved;


b)         £350,000 be committed from the Garden Communities Budget and the associated delegations approved in order to enable phased drawdowns upon a formal request by way of a NEGC Board resolution in accordance with the agreed milestones and the agreement of the Council’s Section 151 Officer;


c)         the Councils’ Section 151 Officers be authorised to agree any future allocation of the project funds held by Colchester Borough Council between NEGC Ltd and the North Essex Authorities; and


d)         a report be submitted to a future Cabinet meeting in respect of funding requirements and financing options for 2020/21 and 2021/22.




Report author: Richard Barrett, Ewan Green, Lisa Hastings

Publication date: 13/09/2019

Date of decision: 13/09/2019

Decided at meeting: 13/09/2019 - Cabinet

Effective from: 21/09/2019

Accompanying Documents: