Decision details

Decision Maker: Leader of the Council and Corporate Finance & Governance Portfolio Holder

Decision status: Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Following consultation with the Monitoring Officer, and Assistant Director for Partnerships to extend the current Health Inequality Subsidy Scheme (along the same principles of the decisions of Cabinet in July 2023) for a further year to cover 2024-25, prior to any payments being made.


To extend the current Health Inequality Subsidy Scheme (along the same principles of the decisions of Cabinet in July 2023) for a further year to cover 2024-25, prior to any payments being made.

Reasons for the decision:

A Subsidy Scheme was developed in 2023-24 for allocating funding to address health inequality and the wider determinants of health including the provision of benefits advice and other advice and support for residents.


The Scheme allowed for a payment to Citizens’ Advice Tendring who deliver a benefits and wider advice and support service and identified their capabilities to provide the service, the quality of the service and their standing as a trusted brand.


Although the funding is being considered as part of a wider External funding review; in accordance with Best Value Guidance a notice is required to cease the existing agreement, which had not previously been provided.


Therefore at the Cabinet meeting held on 26 July 2024 (Minute 38 resolution (h)) it was decided to contribute £0.144m to Citizens Advice Tendring which would be via extension of the current Subsidy Scheme for 2024/25 before any payment is made along with other associated governance arrangements ahead of 2025/26 as required.

Alternative options considered:

Not to extend the Scheme. However, this would result in funding to CAT ceasing although notice to do so is required in accordance with Best Value guidance. Officers have confirmed that the notice is being prepared.

Publication date: 22/10/2024

Date of decision: 11/10/2024

Date comes into force if not called in: 30/10/2024

Call-in deadline date: 29/10/2024

Current call-in Count: 0

Accompanying Documents: