Decision details

Decision Maker: Director (Planning and Communities)

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Essex County Council is looking to carry out consultation on its Local Nature Recovery Strategy between the dates on 29th July 2024 and 23rd September 2024.
Regulation 7 of The Environment (Local Nature Recovery Strategies) (Procedure) Regulations 2023 requires Responsible Authorities (in this case ECC) to provide all Supporting Authorities for the Local
Nature Recovery Strategy with the draft strategy it considers ready to consult on under regulation 12 (“the consultation draft”) and request their comments.
ECC would like to consult for 28 days (17th June to 15th July), prior to public consultation, and has sought the approval of local authorities, including Tendring District Council to launch public consultation of the draft LNRS. In ECC's letter dated 14th June 2024, it asks Council's to respond by 15th July 2024.


Option 1 - Respond to the ECC letter to agree to the public consultation on the Local Nature Recovery Strategy.
TDC Officers have had an input into the formulation of the draft Local Nature Recovery Strategy and to enable ECC, as the responsible authority, to progress the LNRS and accord with the Environment Act.
TDC will have the opportunity to comment, formally, on the content of the LNRS as part of the consultation.
The Porfolio Holder with responsibility for Housing and Planning has been briefed and consulted on this decision.

Alternative options considered:

Option 1 - Respond to the ECC letter to agree to the public consultation on the Local Nature Recovery Strategy.
Option 2 - Respond to the ECC letter objecting to the public consultation on the Local Nature Recovery Strategy.
Option 3 - Do not respond to ECC.

Publication date: 02/07/2024

Date of decision: 01/07/2024

Accompanying Documents: