Decision details
Decision Maker: Corporate Director (Economy and Place) & Deputy Chief Executive
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
On 6 October 2023 Cabinet considered a report
titled ‘Levelling Up Fund and Capital Regeneration Projects -
Progressing the Projects to Planning Permission’. As part of
that report, Cabinet delegated authority to the Corporate Director
Place and Economy in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for
Economic Growth, Regeneration and Tourism to procure appropriate
resources and commission a project team to carry out the associated
work including for the design briefs.
On 24 May 2024, Cabinet considered a report titled ‘Update on
Levelling Up Fund and Capital Regeneration Projects’. As part
of that report, Cabinet agreed to request that officers investigate
the opportunity to bring forward the Milton Road element of the
Dovercourt scheme from the Capital Regeneration Project funding and
report the outcome back to Cabinet in the context of the wider
Operational issues to support progress of the schemes to planning
including site clearance for Milton Road and Victoria Street will
be addressed, to include:
•Site clearance of rubbish and overgrowth
•Sites made safe for access
•Initial surveys (topographic and utilities surveys of the
Victoria Street sites)
•Progression of party wall matters
Decisions relating to spend or any award of contracts will be
published separately.
To address operational issues relating to
clearance of the sites at Milton Road and Victoria Street, to
1.Site clearance of rubbish and overgrowth
2.Sites made safe for access
3.Initial surveys (topographic and utilities surveys of the
Victoria Street sites)
4.Progression of party wall matters
Alternative options considered:
Initiating the demolition of the existing car
park on the Milton Road site, as well as site clearance, surveys
and demolition as needed for the two Victoria Street sites, will
ensure the sites are ready for development in time for commencement
of the main works, whilst ensuring the sites are made safe for the
public and neighbours.
The alternative option is not to investigate bringing forward the
Milton Road demolition. The decision on the Milton Road carpark
would be taken alongside the wider construction programme in the
knowledge of actual
rather than projected construction costs. This could present a
delay to the realisation of benefits associated with the
Publication date: 07/06/2024
Date of decision: 07/06/2024