Decision details
Decision Maker: Corporate Director (Economy and Place) & Deputy Chief Executive
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
Due to a break-in at Clacton Beach Office
whereby a quad bike was stolen, the Beach Patrol Equipment (quad
bike) is required to be replaced to support the operations of this
team as detailed in the letter of concurrence.
The Environment Portfolio Holder and the Leisure and Public Realm
Portfolio Holder have both concurred with this decision being
1. To approve the proposal to purchase one
quad bike.
2. To award the appointment of contract via purchase order for
£10,680 to Tuckwells for the quad bike purchase.
3. To approve the use of up to £10,680.00 for this purchase
from the agreed budget via the Cabinet report on 19th April 2024,
allocating £60,000 towards the Beach Patrol cost
Alternative options considered:
Not to purchase the equipment which would
impact the Beach Patrol Service Operations in the event of an
Publication date: 31/05/2024
Date of decision: 30/05/2024