Decision details

Decision Maker: Director (Governance) & Monitoring Officer

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To seek an exemption from the Council's Procurement Rules to provide and trial the use of mobile tablet technology across Polling Stations within the District for the upcoming Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Elections on 02 May 24. The tablet based technology is provided by Democracy Counts Ltd, with whom the Council already has a contract with since July 2022 for the provision of an Electoral Management System (Elector8).

There are no other providers of this tablet based technology who would be able to provide the same level of integration with the Electoral Management System as the provider of that same system. Additionally, the Notice of the Election is being published by The Local Returning Officer on 22 March 2024.


That an exemption from the Council's Procurement Rules be granted from obtaining a quote from three separate suppliers for the use of mobile tablet technology across Polling Stations within the District for the upcoming Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Elections on 2 May 2024 based on the following circumstances:

(b) The goods are proprietary items of which there is only one supplier, or are sold by all suppliers at a fixed price; and
(c) Where the work is of a specialist nature and the Corporate Director/Head of Department can demonstrate that it is not possible to obtain more than one quotation or tender.

In addition, information and evidence has been provided confirming value for money and the compatibility with the current Electoral Management System.

Alternative options considered:

Option 1 - To approach another provider of differing technology which would not be as effective in integration and completeness due to the differing technologies.

Publication date: 21/03/2024

Date of decision: 21/03/2024