Decision details

Decision Maker: Leader of the Council and Corporate Finance & Governance Portfolio Holder

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To agree the Business Rates Base for inclusion in the 2024/25 budget and notification to the Major Preceptors.


To seek the Finance and Governance Portfolio Holder’s approval of the National Non-Domestic Rates Return (NNDR1) for 2024/25 for submission to the Government.


That the Council’s National Non-Domestic Rates Return (NNDR1) for 2024/25 be approved and submitted to Government.

Reasons for the decision:

The localisation of Business Rates provides for an amount of business rates which will be retained locally and shared between this Council, Essex County Council and Essex Fire & Rescue Authority.  Each year the Government requires the Council to complete the National Non- Domestic Rates Return 1 (NNDR1) and this will be used to determine the estimates for Business Rate Retention in 2024/25.  As a result, the NNDR1 now needed to be approved before submission to Government.

Alternative options considered:

None as it is a mandatory requirement of this Council.

Publication date: 01/02/2024

Date of decision: 31/01/2024

Effective from: 09/02/2024

Accompanying Documents: