Decision details
Decision Maker: Chief Executive
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
Section 36(4) of the Representation of the
People Act 1983 provides that all expenditure properly incurred by
a Returning Officer in relation to the holding of an election of a
councillor shall be paid by that council. This provision is subject
to expenditure not exceeding a scale fixed by the council.
The council has previously set a scale and the purpose of this
decision is to update that scale so that it does not fetter the
Returning Officer's ability to organise the election of District
Councillors on 4 May 2023 (and beyond). The same scale shall apply
separately to Parish Councillors to be elected.
In accordance with Part 3.8.1 of the Council's Constitution, the
determination of the scale has followed consultation with the
Chairman of the Council. The Chairman agreed to the proposals to be
introduced by this decision.
It is anticipated that the scale set out in this decision can be
fully funded in 2023/24 by virtue of budgetary decisions in
To determine the scale to apply to expenditure
properly incurred by a Returning Officer in relation to the holding
of an election of a councillor that shall be paid by that
Alternative options considered:
The option of making no change to the scale
approved in 2019 was considered and rejected based on experience
from several electoral events since the District Council elections
that year.
Publication date: 24/01/2023
Date of decision: 24/01/2023
Accompanying Documents: