Decision details

Decision Maker: Assistant Director (Building & Public Realm)

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


A one year licence was granted previously for access over the Council's land at Holland Haven and along the seafront (title numbers EX764329, EX813360, EX764671, EX542893, EX811038). This was for non-intrusive walk over surveys in connection with a possible place to bring a new windfarm cable onshore.
TDC's land is currently not the preferred location, however investigations are still ongoing and the company have requested a further 12 months access Licence.
If they did decide they would like to proceed with this project under TDC land, further agreements and decisions would be required.


To grant a 12 month access Licence for non-intrusive surveys over TDC owned land at The Haven, Holland-on-Sea.

Alternative options considered:

To not grant the Licence.

Publication date: 02/09/2022

Date of decision: 02/09/2022