Decision details

Decision Maker: Assistant Director (Partnerships)

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


TDC has been asked to host the role of a Communications Lead to support promotion of North Essex Economic Board's (NEEB) support programmes. NEEB is not an organisation/employer in its own right and therefore relies on partners to employ roles.
TDC’s Corporate Plan has Community Leadership at its heart, with a particular focus on joined up public services for the benefit of residents (which this project does), and on being part of effective services for improved public health.
As a key partner within NEEB, and providing the Communications Manager function, TDC is signed up through its Memorandum of Understanding to support NEEB objectives and help it to operate in the way that it does, using host organisations.
Board members at NEEB have agreed £30,000 funding for marketing support, and it is intended to provide this through a fixed-term, 12-month, part-time post, to be hosted by TDC.
This decision is in principle; the funding will not be accepted without a legal agreement ensuring that NEEB covers any on costs incurred which are not covered by the provided funding.
This proposal is supported by the Chief Financial Officer and Management Team; in line with the Financial Procedure Rules on External Funding.
A letter of concurrence has also been received from the Portfolio Holder for Business and Economic Growth (who is also TDC's appointee to the NEEB).


Option 1 - To accept the offer of funding for a communications post for NEEB to be hosted by TDC (subject to a legal agreement being reached).

Alternative options considered:

Option 1 - To accept the offer of funding for a communications post for NEEB to be hosted by TDC (subject to a legal agreement being reached).
Option 2 - Rejecting the funding offer (and still accepting the post) – would mean Tendring District Council has to cover the cost of the role.
Option 3 - Rejecting the funding offer and not hosting the post – would leave other partners to hold the role. However, TDC has been identified as the most suitable given the existing communications structure for NEEB, and the desire to promote integrated NEEB working by hosting positions outside of any one single organisation.

Publication date: 31/08/2022

Date of decision: 25/07/2022