Decision details

Decision Maker: Assistant Director (Partnerships)

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The original decision to supply these services to Provide CIC was made on 9th June 2020 by the Leader of the Council. Since this time Tendring Careline has been awarded, as part of the wider Essex County Council Telecare tender, a sub-contracting arrangement to deliver further services to Provide CIC.
The original decision to bid for the ECC Telecare tender as part of a consortium was delegated in December 2019 by Cabinet to the Corporate Director (Operational Services), in consultation with the Head of Governance and Legal Services, the Head of Finance, Revenues and Benefits and the Deputy Leader. Subsequently an officer decision was published on 24th January 2020 which documented that the Council had agreed to bid for the Northern quadrant of the Essex telecare tender as part of a consortium and also to agree to deliver out of hours services to Provide CIC.
This variation sets out the fees that will be payable under a new arrangement and the KPI’s that must be maintained in order to retain the contract.


To vary the contract between Tendring District Council and Provide CIC whereby Tendring Careline supplies services to Carecall 24 7.

Alternative options considered:

Option 1 - The only other option would be not to supply these services to Provide CIC, however this would likely mean that Tendring Careline would no longer receive any referrals from the ECC telecare contract. The nature of the service would mean that it may become unviable in a short space of time.

Publication date: 16/07/2021

Date of decision: 01/07/2021