Decision details

Decision Maker: Deputy Chief Executive (Corporate Services)

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Within the Office Transformation project work on refurbishing parts of the Town Hall began in January this year and the first phase is now nearing completion. Although the refreshed accommodation is excellent quality the project is now significantly behind schedule.
There are a small number of factors around the delay but a significant problem facing the team is the lack of a full time presence on the site to drive the work forward and to coordinate information and trades.
It is proposed to recruit a Site Manager for the fixed term of one year using part of the emerging property projects budget held by the Property Service.


To use of up to £37,178.90 including overheads from the Emerging Property projects fund to assist with driving forward transformation works at the Town Hall.

Alternative options considered:

Option 1 -
not recruiting the additional supervisory capacity
Option 2 -
Recruiting a fixed term site manager
Option 3 - Redeploying staff from other projects
Having considered the options it is proposed to recruit a member of staff to progress the project without impacting on others.

Publication date: 25/10/2019

Date of decision: 25/10/2019

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