Decision details
Decision Maker: Corporate Director (Operations and Delivery)
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
That the current Crematorium and Cemetery Administration System be upgraded and hosted by Gower with all new licences & updates included.
The Corporate Finance & Governance Portfolio Holder has granted an exemption from the Procurement Rules.
Reasons for the decision:
These are broadly set out in the attached exemption request made to the Portfolio Holder.
Alternative options considered:
Option 1 – Do nothing and use an unsupported system with the risk of software failure due to no further updates.
Option 2 – Go out to retrieve four competitive quotes in line with procurement rules which could lead to a new supplier, months of testing and implementation, staff training as well as data migration between systems.
Option 3 – Upgrade the current system, enter into new arrangements and benefit from the more modern supported system that will be used by the Bereavement Services.
Publication date: 06/02/2025
Date of decision: 05/02/2025
Accompanying Documents: