Decision details

Decision Maker: Leader of the Council and Corporate Finance & Governance Portfolio Holder

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To approve the direct commissioning of David Hills, Director of DSDHA, a specialist in urban design to support the High Street Accelerator (HSA) Seed Funding and Green Space Funding Projects. This will ensure that the HSA Partnership can achieve maximum impact for the area.
David Hills was initially recommended to the High Street Accelerator (HSA) Partnership by the HSA Team within the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) as part of their package of free support and has already met with the partnership, carried out site visits and provided advice during the early stages of the funding.
This commission will ensure consistency and will build on existing knowledge of the green space projects and seed funding projects while delivering maximum impact for the community and aligning with the Capital Regeneration Project regarding public realm being delivered by Essex County Council.
Further to this the HSA has a critical deadline for the funding to be committed by 30 June 2025, which will be challenging with the green space projects if a full procurement exercise is carried out and would add a greater level of risk which may require the funding to be returned to MHCLG
This Decision makes a direct award to David Hills to enable support to maximise the offer to High Street Accelerator Partnership and the greater community

Reasons for the decision:

Dovercourt High Street was chosen as one of ten high streets to receiving funding from a High Street Accelerator Pilot Programme which was announced in March 2023 as part of the Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Action Plan.
The aim of the pilot is to put the decision making back in the hands of the community led by a Partnership containing the local authority and representatives from local businesses, community organisations and property owners, along with a non-local authority chair.
The MOU for the funding stipulates that the local authority will administer the funds but it is a partnership decision on the projects it would like to take forward.
The green space projects are at a critical stage in their development and would benefit for expert support and advice to ensure the projects are cohesive, and that they shape the high street for years to come.

Alternative options considered:

To do a full procurement exercise for a consultant and invite quotes. Due to time restraints it would not only be advantageous for the contractor to have the knowledge and experience required, the process would delay the project and potentially result in the money being given back to MHCLG.
To not procure and miss the opportunity to maximise the offer to Dovercourt and not providing the best value.
To not do the green space projects or scale them down, returning money to MHCLG therefore not requiring this support.

Publication date: 07/01/2025

Date of decision: 06/01/2025

Effective from: 15/01/2025

Accompanying Documents: