Decision details

Decision Maker: Corporate Director (Operational Services)

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Delegated to Corporate Director (Corporate Services). Part 3, Schedule 3 – Responsibility for Executive Functions delegated to Officers paragraph 4.4 (1) – the Corporate Director has delegated authority to discharge executive functions within their respective service areas (Part 3.36 to Part 3.38). All delegations are subject to consultation where considered appropriate in the circumstances (paragraph 4.4(2)– Part 3.39). The Decision to grant licences of the Treatment Rooms at Clacton Leisure Centre has been further delegated from the Corporate Director to the Head of Sport and Leisure.


To allow the hire of Treatment Room Three, at Clacton Leisure Centre, for the purpose of undertaking Sports Massage. The room will be hired one day per week at a cost of £30.00 per day with effect from 5th November 2018. The hirer will be given a one year licence allowing a three month notice period by either party within that year. This decision will increase the income at Clacton Leisure Centre.

Alternative options considered:

Risk of room being damaged, misused. The Facility Manager will liaise closely with the hirer to ensure room is used as per licence. Rooms are cleaned by Leisure Centre staff so any damage will be reported and appropriate action taken. The standard licence agreement has provisions covering insurance and indemnity against damage as appropriate for this type of agreement. In consideration of staff to run the Treatment Rooms instead of hiring them out, staff and other running costs were assessed and this was deemed to be an unviable option

Publication date: 29/10/2018

Date of decision: 26/10/2018