Decision details
Decision Maker: Director (Planning and Communities)
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
To appoint HDH to undertake a Strategic
Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) on behalf of the Council.
As part of the Local Plan review, the Council will need to
undertake a SHMA in the Tendring District. The study will primarily
form part of the Council’s evidence base to inform the Local
Plan review but will also assist in the development of strategies
for investment and funding across North Essex and the Freeport East
area. The Study will also form part of the evidence base for the
implementation of CIL.
The decision to commission evidence for the Local Plan Review was
taken and published on 12/01/2024.
A procurement exercise was undertaken resulting in the submission
of three bids.
Authority for Delegated Decision:
Part 3, Schedule 3 – Responsibility for Executive Functions
delegated to Officers paragraph 4.3 (1) – the Corporate
Director has delegated authority to discharge executive functions
within their respective service areas (Part 3.38). All delegations
are subject to consultation where considered appropriate in the
circumstances (paragraph 4.3 (4(ii) – Part 3.39).
To appoint HDH to undertake the work of
preparing a Strategic Housing Market Assessment in accordance with
the specification document.
Alternative options considered:
Option 1 – Appoint HDH to undertake the
Assessment. The bid demonstrated best value for money and scored
highest during the tender assessment process.
Option 2 – Appoint an alternative consultant. The quality of
all submissions was high but neither alternative bidder scored as
highly against the assessment criteria or demonstrated the same
value for money.
Option 3 – Do nothing. Not preparing appropriate evidence to
inform the Local Plan’s updated policies will increase the
risk that they are not fit for purpose, and that the Plan is found
not to be sound when examined by a Government Inspector.
Publication date: 26/07/2024
Date of decision: 10/07/2024