Decision details

Decision Maker: Corporate Director (Economy and Place) & Deputy Chief Executive

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Currently, the previous Mule has been stored at Northbourne Depot following a replacement being bought due to the condition and cost of repair of the previous Mule.
Tuckwells have made an offer for this when assessing equipment at Northbourne Depot. As there is no other use for this and repairs would not prolong the life of the equipment to gain good value from it, this would be the best option to recoup costs from this vehicle.
As such and under the disposal of equipment procedure a concurrence is requested.


To approve the external (Tuckwell’s) purchase of equipment from the Sport and Leisure Service and for the income generated to be allocated to the Beach Patrol Account.

The Portfolio Holder for Leisure & Public Realm and the Portfolio Holder for Environment have both concurred with this decision being made.

Alternative options considered:

To not proceed with the external purchase of equipment. However, as mentioned this would result in the equipment being obsolete and taking up storage space in designated areas.

Publication date: 04/07/2024

Date of decision: 03/07/2024