Decision details

Decision Maker: Corporate Director (Economy and Place) & Deputy Chief Executive

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


As you will be aware, Clacton Leisure Centre provides a state-of-the-art wellbeing zone, which consists of a sauna, steam room, salt inhalation room, wellbeing pool, and relaxation area.
This area underwent a significant refurbishment in 2022. However, as the cabin was in a reasonable state of repair at the time, it was not replaced.
As part of the routine inspections carried out under contract with Sterling Hydro-Tech, they outlined that the sauna internal wall timber is starting to warp, deeming this area beyond repair. The sauna was closed subsequently, as when further discussions had been carried out with Sterling Hydrotech, they advised that the benches are worn, and the wood above the heater is darkening as such, this had become a fire risk. Additionally, the benches had become a cutting risk to the members if they were to sit on the bench. As a result of this, the recommended action was to close and replace the sauna cabin. To ensure TDC can continue to provide full service to their customers, a full sauna replacement is required.
As such, this decision seeks agreement to appoint and enter into a contract with Dale Sauna to replace the sauna at Clacton Leisure Centre.

The Leisure and Public Realm Portfolio Holder and the Corporate Finance and Governance Portfolio Holder were consulted, as appropriate, and the necessary concurrences were obtained.


A) To appoint Dale Sauna and award the contract to Dale Sauna for the installation of a new sauna at Clacton Leisure Centre.
B) To enter into a contract with Dale Sauna for the installation of a new sauna at Clacton Leisure Centre at a value of £27,505.00.
C) To approve the associated use of up to £2,505 from the Sport and Leisure reserved account to top up the agreed budget via Cabinet report on 19th April 2024, allocating £25,000 towards the Sauna replacement. Therefore, providing the full fund required of £27,505.00.

Alternative options considered:

Not to replace the and continue with this space being redundant however the risk above could present themselves.

Publication date: 11/06/2024

Date of decision: 11/06/2024