Decision details

Decision Maker: Corporate Director (Economy and Place) & Deputy Chief Executive

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


An exemption from procurement has been granted to enable the continuation of vital team development work.


1)To agree an exemption from the Council’s procurement rules.
2)To appoint the Myers Briggs Company to deliver development training (including MBTI assessments) for the senior management team of the Economic growth, Culture and Leisure directorate. The brief and decision to appoint has been made jointly with the Corporate Director (Place and Economy).

Alternative options considered:

Option 1 - Not to carry on with the work which would be detrimental to the employees affected
Option 2 - To seek quotes from alternative providers which in this specific instance would be disruptive
Option 3 - To maintain the limited and specific investment with the provider named in the report

Publication date: 07/06/2024

Date of decision: 07/06/2024

Accompanying Documents: