Decision details
Decision Maker: Corporate Director (Operations and Delivery)
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
To request that the Assistant Director
(Housing & Environment), in consultation with the Portfolio
Holder for Housing, exercise his delegated power to make
applications, where appropriate, to Homes England for the waiver of
Designated Protected Areas made under the Leasehold Reform Act 1967
and the Housing (Right to Enfranchise) (Designated Protected Areas)
(England) Order 2009.
That, in accordance with the decision of the
Council’s Cabinet on 17 June 2022 (minute 24 (d) refers), the
Assistant Director (Housing & Environment) make an application
to Homes England for a Designated Protected Area Waiver in relation
to a request received from Sage Homes relating to a development in
Halstead Road, Kirby Cross.
Alternative options considered:
Option 1 - That the Council supports the
request for a waiver
Option 2 - That the Council does not support the request for a
Only two options can be considered when a waiver request is
received and they are that the Council either supports the request
for a waiver application or it does not. Generally, the default
position is to support the request although the final decision will
be based on an assurance that there is a justified need presented
by the registered housing provider for the restrictions on stair
casing being lifted. Ultimately, Homes England makes the final
decision in any event
Publication date: 27/03/2024
Date of decision: 27/03/2024
Accompanying Documents: