Decision details

Decision Maker: Partnerships Portfolio Holder

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To award a series of grants September Phase, from the Tendring Community Fund Cost of Living fund to community hubs and centres.
Please see Document Spreadsheet for fuller details.

Reasons for the decision:

For background see Tendring Community Fund Guidance Notes.
The Working Party for the Tendring Community Fund was established by the Leader of the Council. The Working Party assessed all applications received and awarded grants to those applications that most closely met the aims of the fund as described in the guidance notes and which were considered to provide greatest community benefit overall.

Alternative options considered:

To award all applications the full amount requested – Option rejected as insufficient funds are available.
To award as many grants as possible, some with less than requested to enable greatest reach and ensure a second round for applications can take place. Option accepted.

Publication date: 15/09/2023

Date of decision: 15/09/2023

Effective from: 23/09/2023

Accompanying Documents: