Decision details

Decision Maker: Corporate Director (Operations and Delivery)

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Council's housing repair teams have procured the use of the Oneserve works management package used for recording works details, scheduling operatives, providing information and managing payments.
The software has been used on a one-year contract, following an ad hoc trial, and is in the process of being further deployed and enhanced in line with audit recommendations the renewal date is 08 January 2023 but there is a three month notice period for termination. Non termination creates a further one year obligation under the terms of the contract.
The financial procedure rules provide that
"2.1 The Corporate Directors/Heads of Department shall be exempt from the need to obtain competitive quotations/prices where .... the work is of a specialist nature and the Corporate Director/Head of Department can demonstrate that it is not possible to obtain more than one quotation or tender."
In all of the circumstances it is considered that the above applies and that the seeking of competitive quotations would divert from the ongoing work to improve services and record keeping in line with audit recommendations.
An officer team has considered options for alternative control systems and has concluded that the best option is to continue with Oneserve for the further year, continuing with development and improvement and pending a further decision on long term options.
Relevant Portfolio holders have been consulted and concur with the proposed action.


To not serve termination notice on Oneserve, accordingly creating a further one year contractual commitment.

Alternative options considered:

Option 1 - not having a works management system - not proposed -
Option 2 - seeking competitive bids for alternative systems - not proposed.
Option 3 - Not serving termination notice on Oneserve and therefore creating a contractual relationship for a further year, allowing for ongoing development and further decision on longer term options. - proposed

Publication date: 07/10/2022

Date of decision: 07/10/2022