Decision details

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


That Cabinet:


(a)   Agrees the revised long term financial sustainability approach and associated ten year forecast that is set out in this report;


(b)   subject to (a) above, requests officers to continue their work in developing an associated delivery plan, in consultation with Portfolio Holders, to support the delivery of the ten year forecast and in particular the budget for 2018/19;


(c)   consults the Corporate Management Committee on the revised approach being taken as set out in this report;


(d)   that subject to (a) above, agrees that the Local Council Tax Support Scheme grant to Town and Parish Council’s be removed from the budget via the phased approach set out in the ten year forecast; and


(e)   agrees to make an additional one-off contribution of £1.200m to the Beach Recharge Reserve in 2017/18, funded by £0.202m from the Fit for Purpose budget and £0.998m from the New Homes Bonus Budget.

Publication date: 05/09/2017

Date of decision: 05/09/2017

Decided at meeting: 05/09/2017 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: